Lord Honey!!! We love a good celebration, doesn't matter what kind, we just love them. But I want to talk about celebrating my Uncles 90th birthday this past weekend. He's the oldest living uncle I still have left Walter (Walkie) Spurling and my Aunt Jean live in Campbellsville Kentucky. As a child we would travel to there house as often as we could. My family and I would go to there house in the summers to go fishing, wading in the creek, help put up crops, set under the big maple shade tree, play in the corn fields and even watch the Amish travel up and down the highway, We always had the best time, and still do when we get a chance. We would go down for Thanksgiving every year and oh boy I knew I was in for a treat to get to eat all the taste food and help prepare the meals, we even would put up there Christmas decorations the day after to kick off the holiday season. The joy and smiles on Walkies and Aunt Jeans faces when we would walk in, no matter what time of year it was. Walkie was a logger and farmer in his younger years and always loved to make jokes and play tricks on us. He turned 90 on August 20th, but don't look a day over 70. Through the years I have come to realize a lot of things like never take the day for granted or don't put off things that should be done today, for we never know what tomorrow holds.
Aunt Jean always says "Make Memories" cause there'll come a time memories is all you'll have, you may not be able to get out and do things but you'll always have memories. I am a firm believer in this I go and do as much as I can while I can. Walkie may not be able to hear as good as he used too but he still has a good time. We all should just be thankful for what we have and its always better to laugh than to cry. I made Walkies cake for him it was my Eyetalian Cream Cake, One of the family favs.

My mom Connie, Aunt Brenda, Me and the family still make memories as often as we can. From me playing jokes on my mom to just getting together and cooking a meal, going fishing or visiting family and spending Holiday times together.

So no matter what age you are, what color your hair is or no hair, always do as much as you can and live for today, tomorrow and for always.
Get out there and Make Memories!!!!!